If all your translations are stuck on the Translation Requested status for longer than usual, specially seeing this started at a specific time, this can be indicative of a problem. When needed, reach out to us at customer.happiness@unbabel.com.
1 - Start by checking if a known problem is affecting our platform at the time. Usually, if the service incurs downtime, we will have a way to retry the translations and deliver them when we recover.
Note: There is an exception when using Unbabel for SF Knowledge base. In that case, please delete all pending translations and request them again.
2 - There could be an issue with your installation preventing us from delivering the translations. Please do report the issue to us while attaching a report on your stuck translation requests.
3 - Confirm if your URL has been changed since the Unbabel Connector package was installed. If any changes have occurred, which can be frequent in Sandbox organizations, you need to redo the API configuration in order for translations to resume.
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