Release date: 17 February 2023
*This version requires version 1.71 or later of the Unbabel Connector to be installed. You can check for even newer releases here.
- Translations Feed - We now support multiple agents with different main languages handling the same case.
- Translations Feed - Fix for css code shown when using email templates.
- Translations Feed - We now show a warning on the top of the translation feed, when we detect that the case and the agent's language is the same. This interface also allows the agent to directly update the case language in the case that the detected language is not accurate.
Unbabel Connector v1.71 (minimum required)
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1n000002Dg0Z
Unbabel for Service Cloud v3.12
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1v000002H3w9
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