If you have a translation workflow that requires a final step of revision on your end before finishing and delivering the translated files, you will need to access our Polyglot tool to complete this step. Polyglot is easy to operate so this should be no issue!
Polyglot is a tool used by our editor freelancers as well, so many features and tricks are shared. You will be re-directed to some articles for our Community through this article when more information is recommended and when the experience is completely equivalent.
Creating an Unbabel Reviewer account
The Unbabel account used to access and work on client reviews is not the same as a Portal account! Although the same email can be used, the account is independent and used to access a different page. A client reviewer account is created in the Portal, by an existing Portal user with a role of Admin or higher.
While logged to the Customer Portal, open the “User Management” section, then click on the “Client Reviewers” tab to view existing users. To create a new user, click on the “New user” dropdown and select “New client reviewer”.
This will prompt a new screen, where you can input the following user fields:
- First name
- Last name
Click on "Select Languages" to configure the language pairs the user is allowed to review:
English is selected by default as the source language, but you can change it. You can also select multiple language pairs if you want the reviewer to work on projects of different languages. Once you are done, click Confirm.
After entering the user data, click on "Add Reviewer".
This will add the user to the table. You can continue adding more reviewers if needed. You can also remove a user from the table by clicking the trash bin icon.
Once you added all accounts, click Send Invite. Clicking the button will send an email invitation to the client reviewers with instructions on how to activate their account. Each account remains in pending status until the reviewer checks the email and validates the account, at which point it switches to active.
User information can be edited later by clicking on the username you want to edit to access the user profile, then click on Edit Information. Here, you can update the first and last name, as well as add or remove language pairs.
Once you are done, click on Save Changes.
Validating the account
The client reviewer will receive a validation email once the account is created.
When clicking Confirm Email, the user is redirected to a password creation page. Choose a password with enough strength to be able to submit it.
Once accepted, the account is validated and the user is redirected to the login form.
Login to the Review Platform
Once you have validated your account, navigate to https://clientreview.unbabel.com to access the platform.
Note: please remember that this account is separate and therefore the password will not necessarily match the one from Portal. We recommend you use the same password in order to avoid confusion.
You can reset your password by clicking on the Forgot your Password? link. This will prompt you to enter your email address and generate a password reset link which will be sent to your email.
Once you are logged in you'll be directed to your available language pairs as explained in the next chapter.
Working on Client Reviews
You can check our video tutorial here.
1 - If you’re a reviewer for more than one language pair, you will see the them displayed after logging in.
2 - Click a language pair with reviews available to list them. When a file is translated by our editors, it becomes visible to all client reviewers with that language pair in your organization. In order to start reviewing a file, click button “Start review”. New review tasks are available under the Reviews to do section.
3 - This will open an editor interface, where you’ll be able to review the translations and make any changes. After you finish the review, click the button “Submit”. Note: After submitting the file you won’t be able to edit it any more.
If you want to close the task and get back to it later instead, click the Save and close button in the top right corner. After this the task will be displayed in the section "Reviews in progress".
If you wish to learn more about Polyglot's user features, read our article on the subject.
Preview the file before starting the review
You can preview the translation (the source text and Unbabel’s translation) before starting to work on it, click the button “Preview”:
This will open a preview mode. This mode is view-only and ou cannot make any editions here.
- If you want to leave the preview, click “Leave preview” button.
- If you want to start reviewing this translation, click “Start review” button.
Unclaim a review to make it available for other reviewers
If you unclaim a client review, it will become available for other reviewers to work on. To unclaim the task, click the button with 3 vertical dots next to the Submit button, and then click Unclaim task.
You still will be able to find this translation in the list of reviews to do and, if you wish, you can resume the cliente review from where you left it including all your edition by clicking Start Review again.
If another reviewer picks up this review, they won’t see any of the changes that you’ve made – only Unbabel’s translation. This task will be displayed for them like any other task.
Admin Panel
The Admin panel is a page in the client review interface where you can view a list of the client review tasks for all your ongoing projects. Every user with a client reviewer account will have access to this view. Note that the panel is meant to give you an overview of the current list of tasks and where they stand - to pick up tasks you still need to move to the Language pairs tab.
To access the page, login to http://clientreview.unbabel.com and select the Admin panel tab. Once on the page, you can see a table where each row corresponds to an active project. If you click on a row, you will see all files with a client review step that belong to that project.
A file can be in several statuses:
- To do: The file is waiting to be claimed by a client reviewer.
- In progress: The file has been claimed by a client reviewer (the reviewer’s user name is displayed in the corresponding column).
- Submitted: The file has gone through the client review step and has been submitted by the client reviewer.
- Cancelled: The client review step has been cancelled via via Admin panel or the entire translation flow has been canceled via a backoffice tool.
After all files in the project have been submitted, the project is no longer visible in the client review interface, but you can see it in the Portal.
Below the Ongoing Projects title, you can see the time when the Admin panel tab was last updated. You can refresh the update time by clicking on the last update info.
Sorting and Filtering
Filtering: You can filter files by the following parameters:
- Language pair
- File status
- Reviewer
All projects that contain at least one file meeting the search criteria will be displayed.
If you switch between the Language Pairs and the Admin Panel, the filter selection will be preserved. However, refreshing the browser will reset the filters to their defaults.
Search: You can search by file and project name using the search option. We will return any partial match for a file name or a project name.
Expand/Collapse all projects: This button allows you to quickly view or collapse all the files in all projects.
Sorting: Files within each project can be sorted by language pair, number of words, file name (alphabetically), the assigned reviewer (if any), and status. Clicking once on the column label arrow will sort A>Z, clicking twice will sort Z>A, and clicking three times will restore the original order.
Cancelling a Client Review
You can cancel a file from the client review stage, meaning the translation will be delivered with all previous steps completed, but without a client review. Any user with access to the Admin Panel has access to cancelling any client review, regardless of who requested the project.
Note: cancelling a client review is irreversible, so proceed with caution!
To cancel a client review, follow these steps:
1 - Open the project.
2 - Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the task (see image below).
3 - Select the "Cancel Review" option.
4 - Click "Confirm" to finalize the action.
Once the review is canceled, the status will be updated, and the user who canceled the review will be displayed:
While a review that is cancelled by a user will be delivered, if the translation is cancelled on the Unbabel side, the translation job will not. You can tell a review-only cancellation from a full cancellation:
- if the translation is fully cancelled, a message reading "The entire translation was cancelled" appears in place of the username
- a pop up confirming this will appear if you hover over the information icon
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