Release date: July 31st 2024
*This version requires version 2.98 or later of the Unbabel Connector to be installed. You can check for even newer releases here.
Release notes
Unbabel Email Components
Retry Failed Requests: Added the ability to the Unbabel Email Components to retry failed requests.
Translation Feed Configuration
Select Items for automatic translation: It is now possible to select which items you want to be translated when you load the translation feed (to be clear this does not impact triggers, only translation on feed loading). You can configure which items you want to translate in the “Unbabel SC Configuration Menu” page.
Upon update from version 3.40 or lower, all items will be selected as default.
Clean installation has all items pre-selected as active; this setting can be customized before hitting save.
You can request each item individually through a button in the translation feed:
Latest Packages
Latest package versions released.
Unbabel Connector v2.98
Installation URL
[Your Domain]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1n000002GwCCAA0
Unbabel for Service Cloud v3.43
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1v000002aNt0AAE
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