Unbabel will make use of Zendesk tokens in order to authenticate and communicate with your instance. Likewise, access to the Unbabel systems is also dependant on the correct permission being granted to the customer. In order to enable communication between systems, an initial setup needs to be completed before the installation is to advance.
This process should be started by a Zendesk admin. The information that we are asking you to share is confidential and sensitive, and should usually only be provided to your LangOps Specialist when explicitly requested, using a private channel and considering a need-to-know basis.
You can find the Guide to the process attached.
The Pre-installation Setup requires actions in two environments:
In Zendesk Support, we need you to:
- Create an API token. Click the Admin icon in the sidebar, then select Channels > API. Next, choose the Settings tab while making sure Token Access is enabled. Click the Add API Token button to the right of Active API Tokens. Choose any name for the token, and click Create. You can read this ZD article for more detailed information on the process.
- Share the recently created API token and the email address the admin uses to login to Zendesk.
In Zendesk Chat, we need you to create an API client:
- Head to Settings > Account. Select the API & SDKs tab and click the Add API Client button. You will be required to input some information:
- Client Name: unbabel_chat_production
- Company: Unbabel
- Redirect URLs: https://chatlayer.unbabel.com/integration/zendesk-chat/authorize
- When this is completed, a new dialog will display the information we will require you to provide us: the Client ID and the Client Secret.
To add to these, we need two very generic pieces of information: a Zendesk Support admin's email address (so we create an authorization token associated with it) and your Zendesk domain (ex: unbabel.zendesk.com).
When should I share this information with Unbabel?
This information is, under normal circumstances, required only once, at the beginning of the setup process, and will be requested by your Program/Implementation Manager. Since this is sensitive information, you should communicate it through a safe, private channel, making sure only the indispensable people are aware of it.
Exceptions to the case are:
- You are repeating the process for a different environment and will need to create a new client there.
- You have deleted your functional API client associated with Unbabel and the app has stopped working. In this case, you should re-create the necessary token and client and share it with customer.happiness@unbabel.com so we can re-establish access as soon as possible.
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