Once you have created a chat, it is possible to start requesting translations. Making sure you have correctly selected the brand and language to serve, it's time to start pasting the text into the interface.
This is done at the bottom of the center panel. Just above the message box you will be able to find the language slider. Pay special attention to the currently selected language, which will be highlighted. To further show which language we are expecting to be input, the message box will either read "Your reply in X" or "Your client's message in Y". Click the slider to switch the translation direction.
If you have language detection switched on for supported languages, the slider will adjust and auto select the correct direction. You can confirm this by looking into the icon to the top left corner of the message box.
In the top-right corner of the message box, you will find an "i" icon that will pop a window containing all keyboard shortcuts.
Once you insert the text into the message box, you may click the arrow at the bottom right corner, or press the enter key, thus sending the text for translation. As messages are finished translating, they will be listed in the center panel, oldest at the top.
Typically, you will be copying customer messages from your CRM and pasting them in the Unbabel Interface, obtaining a translation that enables you to address the customer's queries, and copying the translated output from Unbabel to your CRM. To better tell messages apart, inbounds will be aligned to the left, while outbounds will be so to the right. The agent's language will have a grey background, while messages in the customer's language will have a white one. Messages will also display the time of their request and the total time spent in translation. Hover over any of these to obtain the full date and time of the translation request.
If you have notifications enabled (in the top-right corner of the screen), as soon as a translation is posted into the interface your browser will let you know about it.
To obtain the output of a translation, simply click anywhere in the translated text area, and the text will be copied to the clipboard. You can then paste it in your CRM. Repeat the process for all messages needing translation, always checking if the language direction is correctly selected.
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