The Agents Reports feature will allow you to see and understand agent Unbabel-related performance, for any given subscription. Metrics such as average TAT for the agent, number of unbabeled messages (even broken down by language pair), among others, can be analyzed in this page, either at an operation or individual agent level.
To access Agents Reports, select Reports > Agents in the navigation panel to the left. You will find the Agents page.
Start by making sure you have the correct subscription and content type selected in the top right corner of the page. The page will display the metrics for the type of content as whole (which can include multiple operations), and will include all agents that have used Unbabel to request at least one translation. You will have access to some metrics (averages per agent):
- average number messages where Unbabel was used
- average number of threads where Unbabel was used
- average words per message
You can narrow down the results to specific language pairs and a time period within the subscription, which will make the metrics adapt to the defined criteria.
Below the group metrics, you will find a table containing agent metrics which includes the number of total messages, number of threads where Unbabel was used, average of words per message and the elapsed time the agent last requested a translation. The table will only list agents who requested at least one translation fitting the criteria.
You can use the agent ID field to restrict the table results to the agents who contain the input text in their ID. For example, will only display the agents with an ID containing the domain that match the search criteria. The filter will work as you type, so you don't need to insert the full ID. Filtering per agent doesn't change the overall metrics mentioned previously.
Agent Details view
Clicking any of the agent IDs on the table will open the agent details view for that agent.
At the agent level, you can see total usage, turnaround time (TAT), active language pairs and volume per language, along with word count average. It's possible to see all metrics conditioned to different language pairs and time periods. At the bottom of the page, a graph representing usage across the selected time period is also displayed.
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