Release date: 22 October 2021
Automatic translation for case and last email on case ownership change
The automatic translation triggers when a Case ownership changes. The steps are the following:
- A new is Case assigned from a non Unbabel Queue/Agent to an Unbabel Queue/Agent.
- A translation for the Case description will be automatically requested.
- As soon as the translation arrives, it would be added to the Unbabel Translated Description field.
- A translation for the last Email Message (if any) will be automatically requested.
- As soon as the translation is delivered it would be posted on the Case feed as a new Email Message.
Make sure that on the Unbabel SC Configuration Page you have enabled:
In this way, the automatic translations will be enabled for all Agents with the Unbabel SC Permission Set.
Update behavior of active translation Queues
If you also want to enable the automatic translation when a case is assigned to a specific queue.
On the Unbabel SC Configuration Page you can select the option:
- Activate Queues, and from the list select the queues to enable.
NOTE: If you currently have the automatic translation enabled for all queues on a previous version, now you need to explicitly enable the Activate Queues and select all the queues from the listing.
Add close button on Lightning Templates modal
A close button was added to the Lightning Email Templates component.
Email Templates - Add filter by folder
Dependent filters by folder were added on the Lightning Email Templates component.
Unbabel Connector
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1n000002Guac
Unbabel for Service Cloud
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1v000002GzDo
⚠NOTE: We recommend that you test this feature in a test/UAT environment before enabling it in production. A validation/trigger on the Case may impact or process when assigning a new owner.
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