To access the Unbabel for Service Cloud Organization Configurations, search for the Item in the App launcher and click it.
The menu includes several settings that allow you to adjust the workflow and apply configurations affecting the whole organization. Settings are separated into different sections. Find each configuration item description below.
Translation Configuration
- Automatic Translations (Emails)→ automatically translate inbound email messages when they enter the system. Checking the option will translate the case into the assignee's (main) language. The case must be owned by the user if the automatic translation is to work.
- Automatic Translations (Cases)→ automatically translate new Case descriptions when they enter the system. Checking the option will translate the case into the assignee's (main) language. The case must be owned by the user if the automatic translation is to work.
- Always check language (Outbound Emails) → Deprecated.
- Activate Queues → Opens the queue view in order to restrict the Automatic Translation on a per queue basis. Only use this if you want to use Unbabel only for some queues. Select all queues to be used. In order to select multiple queues, hold Shift or CMD and click the desired entries. Click save to apply changes. Note: there is a limit of 1000 queues that can be displayed in the selection box. If you can't find your queues, we can provide a workaround.
- Queue Language → The default language associated with all queues. When the case is owned by a Queue, it determines the target language for all inbound translations. Can't be set on a per-queue basis.
Case-Feed Configuration
- ThreadId in Subject → Case RefID/Threading token will be added to the email subject.
- ThreadId in Body → Case RefID/Threading token will be added to the email body.
Note: These settings apply to the Unbabel email publisher, which is seeing end of support at the end of 2024. If you're using the Unbabel Email components, threading will occur has by your native SF settings..
The addition of the Thread ID to the subject or body of an email message created via the Unbabel email publisher is required to ensure new messages add to the correct parent case if your Organization is using Ref ID threading.
If your Org uses Header threading or Lightning threading, these settings are not required to be checked - although no consequences will come if they are, other than the duplication of IDs in the subject/body of messages. Note: if using Lightning threading, having the token added to the subject or body of the email is not required for threading to work correctly.
To know which threading approach your organziation is using, check this SF article.
Header threading is automatically supported since version 1.77.
Lightning threading is automatically supported since version 3.25.
- From name as the integration user → If checked, translated inbound emails will show up on the case feed as being created by the Unbabel integration user. If unchecked, the author of the translations is the user the case is assigned to.
- Automatic text alignment → Automatically aligns text to one side depending on the language. Right to left languages will appear with the correct alignment when detected.
- Translations Feed View → Enables the Translations Feed component. Note: this option is only available up to version 3.36 of the Unbabel for Service Cloud package. Later version assume the translations feed view is on by default.
- Auto refresh Translations Feed View → if checked, the Translations Feed view will update automatically every time a new translation is delivered without refreshing the page. If unchecked, a page/component refresh is required for the translated content to be visible. Requires version v3.17 or higher of the package.
- Send emails from a flow → Unbabel will send emails using the Send Email flow, whenever possible. Useful if you're close to hitting Single Email limits. Requires that your Organization is using RefID Threading. More information available here.
Translations Feed configuration
Since version 3.42 of Unbabel for Service Cloud, it's possible to choose which items in the Unbabel Translations Feed are automatically translated once an authorized agent opens the feed. This does not include any trigger actions, which work independently.
You can configure which items you want to translate in the “Unbabel SC Configuration Menu” page.
Each selected item will undergo translation if a translated version doesn't exist yet for the language. To select/unselect multiple, hold cmd or ctrl + click on any item on the list.
Email Translation Action Configuration
Note: These settings apply to the Unbabel email publisher, which is seeing end of support at the end of 2024. If you're using the Unbabel Email components, this section can be ignored.
- From Address Visible → Displays(checked)/Hides(unchecked) the "From" email address field on the Email Translation quick action.
- Enable Quick Text → Enables the Quick Text functionality on the Email Translation quick action.
- Remove email thread → If checked, all content considered to make up the "Original Message" won't be populated into the text box in the Email Translation component.
- Default email template (Id) → Default template Id to use on the Email Translation Quick Action.
- Organization Wide Email Addresses → Email addresses listed under the "From” email address field displayed when sending an email through the Email Translation Quick Action. In order to select multiple addresses, hold Shift or CMD and click the desired entries. Click save to apply changes.
(*) Please make sure you map all the required support addresses as Org Wide email adresses. After adding the emails please ensure that the Unbabel Integration user Profile has access to them. (Please access the link: /email-admin/owa/listOrgWideEmailAddress.apexp)
- Excluded Domains → Inbound Email Messages sent from these specific email addresses domains won't be translated.
Brands Configuration
If your company has multiple translation profiles configured in the Unbabel Portal, you can map to any of these profiles by using standard or custom Case fields. Read this article for more information.
Email Composer Configuration
Use this section to add and manage the Case custom field-based configurations. We support:
- dynamic selection of From Addresses and Email Templates
- configuring the “To Address” field in the Unbabel composer to fetch a value from any email field from the Case Object
Integration Testing
Clicking the test button will create a (free) test translation request. The request will reach our api and translation pipeline and be delivered back to Salesforce Backend. The test will confirm if connectivity to both systems is ensured while bypassing other factors such as UI or agent configurations, for example.
Note that the test will only reflect the status of the systems responsible for email translation requests.
Click the button to generate a test request. The test will appear in progress while the translation is not returned. Once it reaches the Backend, the status updates to success.
Important note: to make sure the test runs in the correct environment, make sure the first language listed in your Picklist Value Set is an Unbabel subscribed language.
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