Note: If the source language agreed is English and your users already have the Salesforce language as English you can skip the next steps.
We will be configuring the agent's writing language and known languages.
1 - On the top right corner click the wheel button:
2 - Select Setup from the dropdown list:
3 - Search for users and Click the Users option:
4 - You will need to assign the writing language for each user. Click Edit next to the user that you will be updating:
5 - Search for the Unbabel Main Language field and select the agent language, which will typically be English:
6 - Click the Save button.
Repeat the process for all users that will be using the integration.
Unbabel Known Languages
Under the Unbabel section, you can select some supported languages to be considered known languages for the agent. To mark a language as known, move it from the Available to the Chosen column.
Having a language set to Known will result in Unbabel not translating new cases or new inbound messages coming in to a case assigned to that user if Automatic translation for emails is enabled. Note: messages received before the case is assigned to the user are not affected.
Note2: if using the Translations Feed, known languages are ignored and any missing messages are translated when the feed is loaded.
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