Release date: 01 June 2022
- Bugfix - Added permissions for handling attachments
The permissions to handle attachments are included on the Unbabel permission set, so there is no need to set an extra permission for this.
- Added support for the new salesforce email threading (Critical update Summer'23)
Salesforce has an opt-in update that changes Email-to-Case Threading, with this update we now conform with the new standard. No action is required on your side, whenever you feel it is time for your organization to move to the new email threading this update will make sure the email headers are set properly.
Note: the fix will only correct cases created after the update to 1.77 is completed. Cases with a creation date preceding the update will still see new customer replies create new cases when Unbabel was used if you opted in for the new threading behaviour.
For more information about the salesforce email threading:
Unbabel Connector v1.61
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1n000002GukXAAS
Unbabel for Service Cloud v1.77
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1v000002H0ZgAAK
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