Quote for your translation project
We provide instant quotes, personalised for you, for the translation of your content prior to every order you place with us.
When you place an order and upload your files, we automatically extract the translatable content using filters customised for you and then process your content in the Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tool component of our Translation Management System (TMS). This leverages your Translation Memory from previously-translated content (that is the same or similar) to provide you with an instant quote.
Translation quotes are priced per word to be translated and include discounts for Translation Memory matches. The closer the match between your new content and your Translation Memory the lower our per word rate. Repetitions in your content (you might have these, for example, if you are translating a product catalogue), are also discounted.
Image translation and document formatting
You can customise your order by having your images translated and/or your returned documents fully formatted, using our in-house Desktop Publishing.
You can do this in our ordering platform and request a quote from us, at which point we'll have our specialist teams prepare one for you. You'll receive an email when your quote is ready, and you can review it before placing your order.
To create an order follow our video tutorial, or read our step by step guide.
To access your orders and quotes at any time use our online ordering platform.
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