At Unbabel, we’re committed to delivering the highest quality translations to our clients, which is why we have to ensure that the work performed by our freelance editors is in line with our quality standards.
At sign-up, you’ll be asked to take a timed multiple-choice test with 12 questions to assess your skills and attention to detail.
This preliminary assessment is in an effort to:
- better identify qualified candidates;
- dissuade applicants who do not speak the language they are applying for, or who are unlikely to meet our requirements.
The questions created by our pool of professional linguists consist of an English source segment to be translated, and the answers are possible translations in the target language. The final three test questions will assess your text comprehension skills. After reading a short text in English, you’ll be asked to judge whether the proposed statement is true or false.
It’s not possible to copy and paste words or chunks from the questions for consultation in translation apps and/or dictionaries*. You’ll get 20 minutes to complete the test and only one attempt. The result will be shared with you immediately. If you do not pass, the language pair will be locked and you will not be able to move forward in the process.
We want to make sure you are properly prepared, so please take some time to read more about our language test.
*Note that this rule also applies to any work you do with us should you be successful, and if you do this at any point you will be subject to disciplinary proceedings and you will likely have your account revoked.
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