As you know, when working on reviews or segment tasks, you're expected to produce translations of extremely high quality. Therefore, we allocate significantly more time for these tasks compared to normal post-editing.
Our system calculates the time needed for each review based on the number of editable words. Editable words are those within segments that are unblocked. For example, if a blocked segment contains 5 words, those words are considered blocked. A word cannot be considered blocked if it is in an unblocked segment. This means that the longer the document with unblocked segments, the more time you will have to work on it.
You can see the number of editable words in the preview for the task, and again once you claim it, on the header:
Time limits will therefore vary based on the number of editable words, and, in some cases, are calibrated based on the complexity of the task. The allocated time for a task is presented to you when you claim it (see deadline on the header to the right). Once you pick a task you can check how much time you have left at any moment, by looking at the top right corner of the editing interface.
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