Our platform has a ‘click to edit’ error in order to make sure the text you add can be linked back to the original text. This is in case the original content had links or formatting associated with it, which the client wants to retain in the translated version.
There are two cases in which this ‘click to edit’ error will appear: either when you move or remove a critical word or section.
Removing a section
If you remove a word / phrase entirely, the ‘click to edit’ will appear. Hover over it to see the source text you’ve removed, and add it back in.
Fixing a missing source segment
Moving sections
Often when a piece of text is translated from one language to another, it may require entire segments of text to be moved. In many cases, moving words around to translate into a language with a different word order is crucial.
If any segments have errors, you’ll need to make sure the translation segment corresponds to the original segment so that any links will be attached to the right words. This may mean retaining more of the order than ideal for the best translation - just try to make the text sound as natural as you can.
Segments in paragraph highlight
As always, if you have any questions about editing or see any errors which are preventing you from saving / completing a task, send us an email (support@unbabel.com) and we’ll be happy to help out.
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