Everything you need to know about how we evaluate our editors, why this is important, and what you can do to improve your scores.
- Evaluations: the definitive guide
- Common mistakes
- What are evaluators looking for? How do I succeed?
- Is there any other way to prove my linguistic ability?
- Why am I being evaluated so frequently?
- Can you evaluate me more often?
- The tasks you've evaluated aren't mine
- Why don't I have any written feedback?
- Why does my work have to be evaluated?
- Who evaluates my work?
- What does each point (1-5*) represent on the evaluation scale?
- How long will I keep this rating for?
- Will you evaluate my other language pairs soon?
- Can you re-evaluate me?
- I don't understand my evaluation results
- I don't agree with my evaluation results
- How do I regain access to paid tasks?
- Why did you select these tasks for evaluation?
- I don't understand what I did wrong
- Why haven't my tasks been sent to evaluation?
- I’m still waiting for my evaluation results
- How do you select tasks for evaluation?
- How do I improve my rating?
- How does my rating affect my access to paid tasks?
- When will I receive my next evaluation?